
Goal & Objectives

Our Goal

The enthronement of a culture of ideas within African societies that will, in turn, end the continent’s ideas-dependency and marginalization, while restoring its intellectual dignity.



  1. To promote and facilitate the effective participation of Africa in the world of ideas and, through this, ensure that the continent’s development is spearheaded and sustained by the ideas of its own people.
  2. To foster a culture of innovative and independent thinking among Africans and people of African descent, and respect for such within society.
  3. To rejuvenate the African spirit and self-confidence through pride in intellectual achievement.
  4.  To protect and project African intellectual dignity by countering and dispelling defamatory notions and misapprehensions about the same.
  5. To establish linkages and opportunities for interaction between African intellectuals and their  outside counterparts.
  6.  To undertake all such other activities as are incidental to the achievement of the above goal and objectives.


Objectives / Activities

  1. To document, publish and disseminate, in a multimedia platform, significant ideas emanating from Africa and Africans, principally through a Book Series to be titled AFRICA SEMINAL IDEAS SERIES©
  2. . To source for financial resources from within and outside Africa to sponsor Africans who have shown a potential for significant original ideas to pursue such ideas to full elaboration, and to assist them as necessary to avail themselves of intellectual property protection (patents, copyrights, etc.)
  3. To devise and implement incentive programmes to encourage young Africans, even at the pre-school stage, to appreciate, value and enjoy the beauty of ideas.
  4. To raise and publicize significant issues of general concern to Africans and people of African descent, such as the issue of reparation for historical wrongs committed against them, inter alia, by hosting an online discussion platform to be titled AFRICA SEMINAL IDEAS FORUM©
  5. To formulate and articulate reasoned positions on global issues, such as climate change and international trade from an African vantage point, thereby providing valuable  assistance to African governmental delegations in international forums.
  6. To promote understanding of the African cultural heritage and value system, including through exchange visits for Africans and people of African descent across continents.